
Terms of Use for Members (Customers)

This service(the “Service”) is a mobile application named “QuoQuoApp” (the “QuoQuoApp”),which is provided by 

A.The Service

  1. The purpose ofthe QuoQuoApp is to serve as a technology platform, enabling users to accessinformation on telecommunication services or products, and further tocommunicate with the independent third party providers (the “Third PartyProviders”) who offer those services or products (the “Purpose”). Youacknowledge that the Company does not provide users any telecommunicationservice or product and that all of those telecommunication services or productsare provided by the independent Third Party Providers.
  2. You acknowledge that in the course of communicating with the Third Party Providersor using their service(s) or product(s), you may also be bound by the terms ofuse and privacy policy of the Third Party Providers. The Company makes noendorsement of any third party services or contents contained in the QuoQuoApp,and in no event that the Company represents or acts as an agent of any of theThird Party Providers, or takes any responsibility or any liability for anyservices or products provided by the Third Party Providers.
  3. Any part orcontent of the Service and the QuoQuoApp is solely for your own personaluse or access. You agree not to (i) remake, copy, modify, make derivativeworks of, distribute, rent out, sell, resell or otherwise use forcommercial purposes any of them; (ii) reverse engineer or dismantle theService; (iii) mirror or forge any part of the Service; or (iv) materiallyhinder the operation of the Service in any respect, or attempt to gainunauthorised access to or impair any aspect of the Service or its relatedsystems or networks.
  4. You agree toobserve all applicable laws when using the Service and use the Service solelyfor lawful purposes.
  5. You understandand agree that the Service may include advertisements, which are necessary forthe provision of the Service.
  6. The Companyreserves the right to temporarily suspend all or any part of the Service forrepair, maintenance, upgrading or any other works it may think appropriate,without giving users prior notice.

B.Contents andproducts

  1. All contentsin relation to the service plans, certain information posted on the informationcentre and other third party services and contents sourced from the websites,pamphlets or registration hotlines of the Third Party Providers as contained inthe QuoQuoApp are for reference only. Therefore, the Company does not guaranteetheir accuracy, completeness and validity. All information is subject to theofficial websites of the Third Party Providers and their decisions shall befinal.
  2. Users mayrequest “price quotes” from the registered salesmen, provided that the Companycannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and validity of the quotes providedto you by the salesmen. The Company takes no responsibility or claim of anyform for any incorrect, false, outdated, incomplete or misleading content orinformation contained in the quote(s) provided to you by any third party.
  3. The Service isprovided on an “as is” basis. The Company disclaims any liability as a resultof limitation period, deletion, transmission error or failure of storage of anyuser communications or customised settings.
  4. The Companymakes no express, implied or statutory representation and warranty that is notexplicitly stated in the Terms, including any implied warranty ofmerchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Inaddition, the Company does not make any representation, warranty or guaranteeas to the reliability, timeliness, quality, suitability or availability of theService or any services or products obtained through the use of the Service, orthat the Service will operate without interruption or malfunction. The Companygives no assurance on the quality, suitability, safety or performance of theservice(s) provided by the Third Party Providers.

C.Disclaimer andindemnity

  1. The Companydisclaims any form of responsibility or compensation for any damages,liabilities or losses arising from: (i) your use of or reliance on the Service,or the failure of your access to or use of the Service; (ii) the contentscontained in the QuoQuoApp or the information and contents provided by anyonethrough the QuoQuoApp as a platform; or (iii) the communications, transactionsor relationship between you and any Third Party Provider, notwithstanding thatthe Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages
  2. The Companyshall not be liable for any delay or failure in providing any services or anyfailure in updating any contents.
  3. The Companyshall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitiveor consequential damages, including the loss of profits or information,personal injuries or property damages, in connection with, in relation to orarising from the use of the Service, notwithstanding that the Company has beenadvised of the possibility of such damages.
  4. [You agree toindemnify and hold harmless the Company, its senior officers, directors, staffmembers and agents from any claims, demands, losses, liabilities and expenses(including attorney’s fees) arising from any and all of the causes below: (i)the use of the Service by you or the obtaining of service(s) or product(s) byyou through the use of the Service; (ii) the violation of any laws or thebreach of any Terms by you; (iii) the Company’s use of any information providedby you; or (iv) the breach of any third party (including the Third PartyProvides) right by you.]

D.Amendments to the Terms

The Companyhas the right to amend the Terms from time to time without notifying users.Such amended Terms shall take immediate effect upon posting and shall supersedeall previous versions. Your continued access to or use of the Service orthe QuoQuoApp after the posting of the amended Terms constitutes yourconsent to be bound thereby. The latest version of the Terms is available inthe “Terms of Use” in the QuoQuoApp.

E.Privacy Policy

The Companymay send notifications to customers via the QuoQuoApp or otherwisecontact customers by other means for updates and special offers oftelecommunication services or products. Please read the Privacy Policy in theQuoQuoApp for details regarding the use of customers’ personal data by theCompany.


If, at any time,any provision of the Terms is held to be unlawful, invalid or unenforceable inwhole or in part, such unlawful, invalid or unenforceable provision shall bedeemed to have been deleted from the Terms, but all other provisions of theTerms shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected orprejudiced thereby.

G.Governing lawand jurisdiction

The Terms aregoverned by and construed in accordance with the Laws of Hong Kong.

In case of anyinconsistencies or ambiguities between the English and Chinese versions, theChinese version shall prevail.